I wonder if you, like me, enjoy the simple and ordinary aspects and spaces of life - talking and sharing with friends, cooking and pottering - sitting by a camp fire, camping, watching birds and wildlife and being part of green spaces and nature. I work from home part time and also write and design occasionally. I own my own home and have four adult children who live in the South West. I have some great friendships which I value and am a warm and contented person, grateful for the generosity of the Universe. I would like to meet others who are good and kind people, who have good relationships with their family and friends, and who are interested in who they are and what matters to them in life. I have a few 'projects' including writing and art related activites and am interested in others who too have key interests. Integrity matters to me as does a capacity to respect others and to tread lightly in the world and with others.
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Seeker of Sharing
My Passions
- sitting in nature with a picnic and note book and no time pressures
- sitting by a campfire - with a gin and tonic and good company
- playing cards and other games
- cooking, making soup, making meals on a shared basis
- coffee shops and newspaper to read
- visiting art galleries, installations, museums, cathedrals and other places of interest
- thinking about what is supportive of life and love and how we can support each other
- visiting St. Ives and Cornwall in general
- campervanning
- my cat
I'm a...
- Non-smoker